Why UNICEF is One of the Best Charities in South Africa (Part 1)
Giving to charity organizations is a worldwide humanitarian priority. South Africans, who are by nature magnanimous and generous, often want to be discerning when it comes to deciding which charities in South Africa to support. In a country of such economic disparity, there is always a need. But with so many charities available, which is the best one to meet those needs?
Many charities do good work — having a wide reach and positive impact in local communities. So, what makes UNICEF one of the best charities in South Africa?
It comes down to numbers.
UNICEF began in 1946, and for the past 74 years has been the driving force behind the vision of creating a world fit for all children. UNICEF’s programme expense ratio of 88.9% (2.9% of their expenses go to administration and 8% to fundraising) means they are a highly efficient charity and recognised as a world leader among charity organizations, making them one of the best charities in South Africa.
This established history and streamlined financial strategy have contributed to UNICEF’s integrity and global authority to influence decision-makers — partnering with governments and businesses at a grassroots level to turn innovative ideas into reality.
South Africa is one of 190 countries and territories where UNICEF is active on the ground. In fact, 88% of UNICEF’s staff positions are located in the field, offering hands-on expertise and commitment. The support of UNICEF international means that UNICEF South Africa is backed by global support and resources, which assist the organization locally through country programmes and national committees. These are persuasive considerations when researching charities in South Africa.