Sponsor a Box, Sponsor a Child, Sponsor a Future (Part 1)

The festive season has come and gone, and children around the world are closing their eyes with memories of candy-filled stockings and gift boxes. For many, the magic of Christmas celebrations is all about the children and how their faces light up as they unbox their gifts under the glow of the tree. These are the faces of the children we know and love, the children whose names are known to us.
But what about the multitude of children who did not gather around a tree, who did not receive boxes wrapped in ribbon, and whose daily reality looks a whole lot different from those on Santa’s Wishlist? These are the 200 million children around the globe whose lives are at risk because of severe malnutrition. They are the reason UNICEF exists — and the reason why we sound the call to sponsor a child — because no child should be forgotten.
Our initiative to deliver boxes of nutrition and hope to these children seeks to reach the unreachable before it’s too late. The boxes contain micronutrient powder and high-energy peanut paste to combat acute malnutrition and kickstart a new future… Learn More